Study abroad school information

👉Select a school to check the admission guidelines and schedule.

Seoul women's Uni.

D-2 / D-4

Kyungsung Uni.

D-2 / D-4 

Woosuk Uni.

D-2 / D-4 

Far east Uni.

D-2 / D-4 

Hansung Uni.

D-2 / D-4 

Jeju international Uni.

D-2 / D-4 

Dong-eui Uni.

D-2 / D-4 

Kosin Uni. 

D-4 / D-4 

Cheongju Uni.

D-2 / D-4

Gwangju Uni.

D-2 / D-4 


If you have any questions about studying abroad, please visit here🤔

Gwangju Uni.

D-2 / D-4 

Contact information
